Is there a baby in your future? Plan for it.

Is there a baby in your future? Plan for it.

You plan for school, work, holidays and even your retirement. What about your baby? Parenting begins long
before your baby is conceived. Babies begin to develop even before women know they are pregnant. This
means that the time to prepare for your baby’s health is before you even get pregnant. There are things that both men and women can do to improve the health of their future children.

A baby can change your life. But are you ready? Making decisions about pregnancy can be challenging. Whether you are alone or with a partner, this workbook will serve as a guide to one of the biggest decisions you will ever make.

We used to think that saving some money, exercise and healthy eating were all we needed to do to get ready to start a family. These choices do make a big difference but there is more. This workbook will discuss some of the other things that can affect men and women and the health of their future children.

You’ll find answers to commonly asked questions, checklists, activities to do, and lists of places to go and people to talk to for more information. Parenting is an important decision that will change your life. Planning ahead and thinking about your health before pregnancy can make a big difference to the health of your future children.

Planning on having a baby someday?

Congratulations on planning ahead! By thinking ahead, you and your partner can make plans and healthy choices, even before you get pregnant. By planning ahead, you will have time to:

  • Think things over.
  • Talk with your partner.
  • Ask questions about your health.
  • Find out about “health before
  • Book a “health before pregnancy”
    check up with your health care
  • Make healthy choices.
  • Start with the healthiest possible
    sperm and egg before pregnancy.
  • Be as healthy as possible during
    the critical early weeks of pregnancy,
    before you even know you are
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