Why Canadians deserve to have mandated health and standard drink information labels on alcohol containers

Giesbrecht, N., Wettlaufer, A., Vallance, K. et al. Why Canadians deserve to have mandated health and standard drink information labels on alcohol containers. Can J Public Health (2023). https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-023-00786-1

The GLobe and Mail: Canada’s drinking problem: why alcohol is the new cigarette

WENCY LEUNG HEALTH REPORTER ERIN ANDERSSEN Here’s a drinking game: Uncork your favourite bottle – perhaps the one you’re savouring right now as the only

Too Much Alcohol? Drinking Guidelines Vary by Country

Drinking three or four alcoholic drinks in a day, on occasion, is considered safe in the U.S., but in Sweden and Germany, that’s well over