Supportive alcohol policy as a key element of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention

Lindsay Wolfson and Nancy Poole, Women’s HealthVolume 19: 1–10DOI: 10.1177/17455057231151838 AbstractIn Canada, a Four-Part Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention has been developed

Research Participants Needed: Cannabis and Nicotine Vaping during Pregnancy and Postpartum

*New Study on Vaping in Pregnancy Recruiting Participants * The Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health is currently recruiting participants for a new study designed

Webinar: Refreshing our Conversations About Alcohol as a Key Component of FASD Prevention

In this presentation, Dr. Nancy Poole and Lindsay Wolfson of the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health discuss the importance of reframing how we talk

CanFASD New Webinar: Refreshing our Conversations about Alcohol

Register now for our webinar, Refreshing our Conversations About Alcohol as a Key Component for FASD Prevention. This 60-minute webinar with Dr. Nancy Poole and Lindsay Wolfson

How preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is about gender, trauma and harm reduction

Dr. Nancy Poole discusses the importance of considering gender, trauma and harm reduction for reducing stigma and better understanding pregnant women’s experiences of substance misuse.