Pregnancy and Birth

Healthy Parents Healthy Children: Pregnancy and Birth

Congratulations—you have a baby on the way!

Now what happens? You can read this book to find out.
Our made-in-Alberta reference guide will help you with the many changes that are coming. It will take you from the early stages of pregnancy (“It’s true, we’re pregnant!”), through the thrill of your baby’s birth (“It’s a boy!” or “It’s a girl!”), and into your baby’s first few weeks (“What do we do now?”).

If you are pregnant…this book is for you.

We want you to have the healthiest pregnancy and baby possible. There’s a lot of information out there on pregnancy and childbirth. But too much information can be confusing, especially when you hear different things from different sources.

This book is your place to go for current and reliable information. It is based on the best knowledge, evidence and practices.

Click to download the booklet!

The Sensible Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, this guide is for you!

Having a baby can be a wonderful experience, but it can also be a time of uncertainty. Many women have questions and concerns as they face all the changes that pregnancy brings. But with advice coming from everyone, it’s tough to know who to listen to.

That’s why having accurate information is so important! It will help you to make good decisions about how to take care of yourself before, during and after your pregnancy.

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Click to download booklet!

Ready or Not Alberta

Ready to start trying?

For men and women, being healthy will benefit both you and your baby. Plan to be healthy.

Not ready to start trying?

For both men and women, planning to not have a baby takes some healthy thinking too—especially with 40% of pregnancies unplanned.

For information on both topics, check out Alberta Health Services ‘Ready or Not Alberta’ website!

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