A Practical Guide to Assessing Cannabis Use: New Resource

Using cannabis has risks, but many who use it regularly may not be aware of them, including cannabis use disorder and the risk of dependence. Knowing personal limits and patterns can provide the opportunity to reduce these harms and risks. To help with this, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction is releasing a new self-assessment guide, Knowing Your Limits with Cannabis: A Practical Guide to Assessing Your Cannabis Use.

The guide helps people reflect on their use. It provides tips and strategies to encourage lower-risk behaviours to reduce harms. Healthcare, mental health or addiction service providers can use it with their clients, or individuals can use it independently.

We hope you will find Knowing Your Limits with Cannabis: A Practical Guide to Assessing Your Cannabis Use helpful, and we encourage you to share it with your networks. For more information and resources on cannabis, please visit ccsa.ca/cannabis.

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