Are indigenous research principles incorporated into maternal health research? A scoping review of the global literature

Kaitlin Patterson, Jan Sargeant, Seungmi Yang, Tricia McGuire-Adams, Lea Berrang-Ford, Shuaib Lwasa, Batwa Communities, Vivienne Steele, Sherilee L. Harper,Are indigenous research principles incorporated into maternal

Marijuana, Opioid, and Alcohol Use Among Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals Living With HIV in the US

Yee LM, Kacanek D, Brightwell C, et al. Marijuana, Opioid, and Alcohol Use Among Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals Living With HIV in the US. JAMA Netw

Australia: Every Moment Matter National Campaign Launched

About Every Moment Matters Almost one in three Australians aren’t aware that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Nearly one

Preconception health service provision among women with and without substance use disorders

Jennifer K. Bello, Joanne Salas, Richard Grucza, Preconception health service provision among women with and without substance use disorders, Drug and Alcohol Dependence,2021, 109194, ISSN

Adverse childhood experiences and marijuana use during pregnancy: Findings from the North Dakota and South Dakota PRAMS, 2017–2019

Alexander Testa, Dylan B. Jackson, Cashen Boccio, Kyle T. Ganson, Jason M. Nagata,Adverse childhood experiences and marijuana use during pregnancy: Findings from the North Dakota

Revision of the Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol

Katherine M Conigrave et al, Revision of the Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol, Medical Journal of Australia (2021). DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51336Journal information: Medical Journal of

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