CCSA: New Cannabis Public Education Resources and Web Page

OG_CCSALogoWith the legalization of edible cannabis products, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals, Canadians now have access to a variety of ways to consume cannabis. There are health risks associated with using cannabis regularly, including these newly legal products, so it’s important that individuals have the information they need to make informed decisions.

Over the past year, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) has published a series of evidence-based, public education resources on cannabis. They developed them to help Canadians understand the health risks and how to lower them, should they decide to use cannabis.

They recently published two new posters in this series:

  • Cannabis and Your Medication lists the types of medications that can interact with cannabis and affect your health. These medications are in common use and include both prescription and off-the-shelf drugs.
  • Cannabis and Other Substances highlights the health risks of using cannabis with other substances such as alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs.

All public education resources are now available to download on a new public education web page at

We encourage you to share them with your networks.


If you have any questions about our cannabis resources or want to know more about our work on cannabis, please email

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